Grammar農莊English Boost Program Vol. 2 (Mixed + 3 Tenses)
Miss Octopus
Grammar農莊English Boost Program Vol. 2內有:
293個動詞詞形變化Verb Conjugation
350條填充題Fill in the Blanks
277題Mixed Tenses練習
150常用個不規則動詞表(Root│Past Simple│Past Participle)
The most effective way to study is by using your hands, eyes, and brain together. This method breaks down each tense into five simple steps:
時態重溫 Tense Review
First, focus on understanding the rules and key words for each tense. This helps you know when to use which tense in different situations.
動詞變化的抄寫練習 Verb Conjugation Writing Practice
Next, write out common verbs in different tenses. This helps you remember how verbs change and improves your writing skills through repeated practice.
動詞變化填充題 Fill-in-the-Blank Exercises
After writing practice, try filling in the blanks with the correct verb forms. This will build your confidence, so even if you see new or difficult verbs in a test, you’ll know how to handle them.
校對 Proofreading
很多校對練習都比較單一,讓同學只專注於某一類型的錯誤。但實際上,測驗和考試中的題目通常涉及多方面的內容。所以,這部分不僅是針對時態進行練習,也提醒同學注意日常作業中容易犯的小錯誤。透過這樣多角度的校對,同學可以養成更全面檢查錯誤的習慣,避免粗心大意。Many exercises focus on one type of mistake, but real tests cover many areas. While practicing tenses, also pay attention to small mistakes you might make in daily work. This helps you avoid careless errors.
考前重溫 Pre-Exam Review
Before the exam, review the verb changes one more time. After reading, writing, and practicing, the final step is to memorize key points. A quick review before the test ensures you can recall everything easily.